Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen


The Regimental Adjutant, Major James Gatehouse, is the Director of Welfare. The prime point of contact for welfare matters concerning former members of the Regiment, their families and dependants is the Regimental Treasurer and Association General Secretary.

The Director of Welfare is assisted by the President of the Regimental Association, Lt Col (Ret'd) Guy Denison-Smith, and the Regimental Treasurer. Branch Secretaries of the Association and their members provide invaluable support and care on the ground. The Battalion Welfare Officer and the Padre cover the 1st Battalion and Nijmegen Company.

The Regiment is in frequent contact with a range of Army and Tri-Service charities to ensure that each case is optimally resourced.

If you are having problems you feel we can help with and are a former member of the Regiment; a concerned partner or child; or a widow of a Grenadier in need, please contact the Regimental Treasurer.

All enquiries and requests are treated in strictest confidence.


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