Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Book of Remembrance

EDGE, L (2616402) (V)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 2018
Branch: Liverpool

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Tribute by: Gillian Hughes

My beloved grandad Leslie Edge. It’s only been three weeks since we sadly lost you, and each day isn’t getting any easier. You have left a huge hole within the family, we were lucky to have you so long and we all have our own memories to help us get through the hardest times. Sleep tight old soldier, we will remember them. Love from your Gilly xxxxxx

Added on: 30 June 2018, 20:47

Tribute by: Gillian Hughes

It has been four months now Grandad since we lost you, and it has not been getting any easier. We are continuing to support the Liverpool Branch in your memory, and with the support from them as a extended family, the Branch will continue to flourish and be a place for future Grenadiers to meet and become part of the family. We all miss you so much Grandad, much love Gilly xxx

Added on: 16 October 2018, 10:37