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Book of Remembrance

WISE, M H Major

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Year: 2008
Branch: Sussex

Commissioned in to the Grenadier Guards in June 1946 Michael Wise saw service in the Guards Training Battalion to where he was to return on several occasions in the next few years. He served both with 1st Battalion and with 3rd Battalion in Palestine and Tripoli, and in Germany. He had an especially successful tour as a Ground Liason Officer at RAF Odiham. His staff appointments included Hounslow as a DAAG at Southern Command and with the United Nations in Cyprus. He then spent from 1974 until his retirement in 1981 as the Home Defence expert at London District. On his retirement he was selected as the Treasurer of Household Division Funds, an appointment at which he excelled, and in which he gave unstinting loyalty to the Household Division for 12 years. Michael was educated at Pangbourne and never lost his love of the sea, living close to Chichester Harbour and sailing whenever the opportunity arose. He married Diane in 1952 and had two daughters.