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Book of Remembrance

BIRCHALL, M (2615987) (V)

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Year: 2007
Branch: General Member

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Michael Birchall born 12th June 1919 in Stoke on Trent and enlisted in the Grenadier Guards on 5th September 1938.
He was in the BEF with 2nd Batt GG and escaped from La Panne in and around 1st June 1940 on an old river paddle steamer after swimming out to sea with a mate. He was a good swimmer but swam only once after Dunkirk - memories.
He stayed with 2nd Batt. GG throughout the war when 2nd Batt. became armored.
Upon being de mobbed on the 1st June 1946 his commanding officer wrote in his Regular Army Certificate of Service book;
" An excellent Guardsman who can be relied upon completely to carry out any job he may be given without supervision. During the fighting in NW Europe he was employed as a scout car driver in which capacity he did extremely well. He is clean sober and honest."
Mick was a life member of the Guards Assoc. He was married to Joan, a WREN who predeceased him. They had 3 children, Michael Gary and Paul.
Mick became a master bricklayer, a job he enjoyed and laid bricks into his 80's.
He emigrated to Australia with his family on 23rd December 1965.
He rarely spoke of the war, but 50 years after Dunkirk started to march in Sydney on ANZAC Day.
He last marched with the guards when he was 85 years old, ram rod straight a guardsman to the last. His legs began to fail him and when the following years parade came around he was asked, "do you want a lift in a jeep, " not bloody likely " was his stern reply.
He was cremated, his coffin was covered with the Union Flag - the Australian Flag - a polished brickies trowel and over the top of them all proudly was draped his Brigade of Guards tie.

Added on: 01 July 2024, 10:12