Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Book of Remembrance

CORBETT, M J (23862852)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 1992
Branch: Windsor

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Tribute by: David R Jones........(YAKI)

Jim will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

Always the gentleman with a heart as big as a lion's. He was a big man who could run as fast as the wind on sports day, but would appear to be so laid back that a bed could have been on his back.

I served as a Guardsman with Jim in the same section of 10 Platoon, The Inkerman Company, starting in early 1962 until sometime at Wuppertal in about 1967/8.

A big man but how vain. I recall a time at Caterham when Jim took his time getting ready to go out. His hair all in place, suited up, clean pressed shirt, tie, clean shoes and top coat. We weren't quite ready to go, but Jim gave us one of his trademark shoulder shrugs and headed off towards the Guardroom, only to return minutes later in a very bad mood. He came in and threw his coat off and of course we assumed that the (thicko) Sgt of the guard had found something out of order, but no, the wind had blown Jim's hair about so he returned and decided to stay in. Jim was always clean and tidy

Most of the time Jim was the right hand man of the company when on parade and again on most of any duties we were carrying out at that time, troops, escorts etc.

I could tell a million tales about Jim, none of them meant to be hurtful as they were always fond memories to me of a lovely man, most often with a smile on his face and remembered as such.

A very sad day when I read of the big man falling out of parade (without permission) but I am sure he will now be the right hand man at the pearly gates and will book us in when the time comes. God bless you big fella.

Added on: 22 July 2014, 19:52