Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Book of Remembrance

HANCOCK, R I (21067582)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 1998
Branch: Overseas

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Tribute by: Gary Hancock

I owe a lot to the Guards for the person that was my Father. I also owe a lot to him for the Australian Soldier I became. Dad taught me Discipline, Honour, focus on the goal and to be the best Soldier you can be. I know he wanted me to return to England to enlist as a Grenadier Guardsman. I enlisted in the Australian Royal Australian Regiment instead. Dad came to respect my decision as the right one. I believe that he left the regiment, but the regiment never left him. The Guards philosophies stayed with him all his life and he remained a Guardsman until he passed. Dad served with his elder brother Geoff and they shared many memories both good and not so good. Dad will be happy now with his Guards comrades who have passed away through combat and in Peacetime. The happiest memories in my Dads life were when he proudly served his country, his Queen and his mates. He lived and died a Guardsman. Rest in Peace Dad.

Added on: 22 April 2010, 08:49