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Book of Remembrance

NEWMAN, R A (2628575) (V)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 2009
Branch: Windsor

Royal Hospital Pensioner Roy Newman 1929-2009 Roy enlisted at Kingston on 14 December 1945 joining the Grenadier Guards as a drummer and served with the Battalion for 8 years undertaking a number of posts including the 3 Inch Mortar Platoon Sergeant. In October 1953 he transferred to the Royal Army Pay Corps and served with the Irish Fusiliers in Korea for 3 years and was then demobilised. He rejoined only 2 months later into the Royal Army Ordnance Corps where he served until September 1969 reaching the rank of Warrant Officer Class 2. When he left the Army he became the manager of a wine and spirits company before joining the staff of Gordon’s School as an Assistant Bursar in 1988. In 1994 he became the Secretary of the Old Gordon’s School Association, a position he held until his admission to the Royal Hospital. At the Royal Hospital Roy was a very active and busy man with many interests. After careful consideration he decided to volunteer as a Ward NCO and proved a thoroughly energetic and conscientious Ward Corporal. His willingness to contribute to the community was commendable. Roy died on 22 November in the RH Infirmary. His funeral service will take place in All Saints Chapel in RH Infirmary at 1430 on 10 December 2009.