Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Book of Remembrance

TROW, J (2615149) (V)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 1994
Branch: Walsall

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Tribute by: Alan Trow

Joshua Trow was my grandfather who sadly passed away in 1994. I remember a story that he related to me about Dunkirk. He was in the rearguard and were getting severely pasted by the Germans. They were getting sniped at from all angles. His C.O worked out that if they walked down the middle of the road, they were out of range of all the different snipers. It took complete faith in their C.O as well as a massive amount of guts to do it and luckily it worked. He said you could hear the rounds thudding into the ground around them. When they reached the beach they had missed the main evacuation. They went into some shops and the locals gave them food. He sat on a wrecked jetty awaiting capture but over the horizon they saw a billowing of smoke from of all things a lake steamer. There had been a mechanical issue with the vessel but the captain had said that they were going to Dunkirk and by god he was going to go even against the advcse of the returning captains. Whilst my grandfather was on the beach, he picked up a carved walking stick from a slain French officer as in his words, " Jerries weren't getting that" . We still have it! Remember him always as I do, as he, along with all the others past and present should never be forgotten for the sacrifices they made.

Added on: 08 May 2012, 01:04