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Book of Remembrance

CLARKE, P R (2627366) (V)

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Year: 1948

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Tribute by: John clarke

My Uncle LSgt Peter Rupert Clarke was born in a village called Whatfield in Suffolk. He joined the Army in Ipswich and in 1945 served in Germany with the 2nd Battalion, then in February 1948 went with the 1st Battalion to Palestine. On the 7th of May he was supervising anti Malaria workers near Acre when he was shot and wounded. He was taken to BMH Hafia but sadly died on the 8th May 1948. He was buried with full military honours at khayat beach war cemetery. We have had his name added to the war mermorial in his local church and he received the Elizabeth Cross. Never forgotten

Added on: 15 February 2016, 19:49