Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
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Book of Remembrance

DUGGAN, G R (24407341)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 1978
Branch: Serving - 1st Battalion NI

Graham was born in  Lymm, Cheshire 12-07. He died whilst serving with the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards in Northern Ireland 21 12 1978. He was a much loved Son and Brother, I met Graham while dating he's sister Glenis. He was so full of life and had a great sense of humour. Whenever I travel near to Lymm I visit his grave. I talked to him before the last tour of Northern Ireland and he said that he felt he was doing good and enjoyed meeting and talking to the local people. He was looked up to by the younger Guardsmen and I feel would have gone on to better things within the Regiment. He said that his greatest moment was the day he Trooped theCcolour of his Battalion. Glenis had so many photos of him around her flat from that day. Graham was someone you met and immediately what you saw, was what you got. Sadly missed and remembered forever.


Tribute by: David Taylor

It is like yesterday when we got hit in Northern Ireland, I miss you every day and can not believe it will be 40 years next year. I can remember running out of the gets that day and turning left. Will try and visit your grave next year dear partner. I think about all three of you all the time. I will have a drink for you tonight. It was great to work along side you. Dave

Added on: 21 December 2017, 19:15

Tribute by: michael stuart

I vaguely remember Graham, I believe he may have been in Number 2 Company, 1st Battalion during 1976-78 at the same time that I was in The Queen's Company and use to see him around Elizabeth Barracks in Surrey when the 1st Battalion were stationed there during the mid/late 1970s. During the summer of 1976 Graham along with myself and about another six or seven Guardsmen and several NCOs were a part of a 'demonstration squad' that were sent to Thetford Army Training Area in Norfolk for several weeks, training new recruits during that long hot summer, so I knew him a little bit during that time. I remember hearing when Graham along with two other Guardsmen were ambushed and killed by the IRA in Crossmaglen in South Armagh in late 1978 which was a sombre time in the Regiments history.

Added on: 25 March 2019, 07:33