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Book of Remembrance

HAVERSON, C P (24164832)

+ Add your personal tribute and memories

Year: 2011

Lesley, Andrew, Martin & Lee (sons) would like to pass the message on to everyone that may see this, Sergeant Christopher  Paul Haverson, Born 8th December 1954 Tragically passed awayon the  25th November 2011. Enlisted - 4th May 1970 and served with the 2nd Battalion.  On his release from the Regiment his certificate of sevice  showed that his  Military Conduct was  Exemplary


Tribute by: East Kent Branch Grenadier Guards Association

It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Christopher. He was a member of the East Kent Branch with whom we lost contact over the years and subsequently returned his detail to the General Roll of the Association. Our thoughts and prayers are with Lesley and the family at this sad time and we ask that they make contact if we can be of assistance.

Added on: 19 December 2011, 11:11

Tribute by: Andy Haverson

I know he was my Dad, but truly a great man - hugely inspiring, motivational and taught me to be the man I am today. Its never 'goodbye' - but 'see you later'. Once met never forgotten - I will never forget - always in my heart x

Added on: 30 November 2011, 20:00