Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Book of Remembrance

CHARGE, H (2618520) (V)

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Year: 1999

Private Henry Charles Charge. Born in Paddington London on January 15th 1916. Joined up in 1939. He served in western Europe in the 4th Tank Battalion of the Regiment, was at the liberation of Belson consentration camp, finally ending up in Berlin. He was finally demobbed in 1945. Henry represented his Regiment on the boxing team and i believe held the British forces light heavyweight title. Henry returned to his building company till he was 55 then took a position at a remand home in London as a Housemaster till his retirement. He attended a Regimental reunion in the late nineties with his son Paul Charge who also served in the Regiment and saw combat in Cyprus in the late fifeties. Henry lived to the age of eighty three and died in 1999. at Hammersmith Hostpital after surgery his heart gave out in recovery. Henry was survived by his 10 children, John, Paul, Peter, Gwen, Terry, Colin, Philip, Susan, Robert,Richard, many grand,great,and great great grandchildren His wife Grace who he Married in 1931 predeceased him by seven years.