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World War 2 Grenadier Guardsman

World War 2 Grenadier Guardsman

13 April 2023

This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the Regiments involvement in Italy during World War 2. The youngest Grenadiers who joined the Regiment late in the War will now be in their mid to late 90's and soon approaching their 100th Birthdays.

Regimental Headquarters are compiling a list of surviving Second World War Grenadiers so we can track them and support them as they approach their Century and recognise their service and their birthday in some way when the big birthday comes.

The Association Branches have already submitted names of Grenadiers they have in their Branch that fits into this bracket however there may be more Grenadiers out there that are not affiliated to an Association Branch.

If anyone is aware of any Second World War Grenadier Veterans could you please email as much detail as possible (Number, rank, Full name, known as or nickname, address and DOB) to the Association General Secretary at regtltreasurer@grengds.com

Obviously this amount of information is the 'Gold Standard' but any information will help.

Your assistance in this matter is very much appreciated and will give us all a chance to support our Grenadiers of World War 2.

Kind regards

J A Keeley

Lt Col (Re'd) J A Keeley MBE

General Secretary Grenadier Guards Association

Regimental Treasurer and Welfare Officer

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