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Reading Branch Honorary Member Linda Hunt

12 July 2023

It is with great sadness that I report the death today 10th July 2023

Of our dear friend and Branch Honoury Member Linda Hunt

As many of you will know Linda along with her lifelong Partner Paul Stamp Have been great supporters of the Reading & Hamp; District Branch over many years.

Paul and Linda Stepped up a few years back to run the Branch accounts. This they achieved in a most exemplary manner. We shall be forever grateful for Linda’s input to all Branch matters. We are going to miss her so very much.

The President , Chairman and Committee send their heartfelt condolence to Paul and all of Linda’s Family at this sad time. Should you wish to offer your own condolence to Paul and the Family The address for all correspondence is:

Paul Stamp Esq.

35 Harrow Court

Bath Road




Further details will be published when know.

Lest we Forget

John G Southern Hon. Secretary.

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