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Forthcoming Grenadier Events in March 2024

07 March 2024

Last updated Sunday 7th March 2024

Forthcoming Grenadier Events

a Grenadier Always a Grenadier

Great opportunities to meet up with old friends and make some new)

9th March 2024 Suffolk & Essex Grenadier Guards Veterans Breakfast Kev Kitcher

9th March 2024- Number Three Company Annual Reunion Derby Old Bell Hotel, 51 Sadler Gate, Derby, DE1 3NQ Pete Hales

15th March 2024 Fenland Breakfast Club 1000 at Paninis Coffee Shop in March Bill Johnson

27th March 2024 Suffolk Branch AGM at the Cock Inn Freehouse, Clare CO10 8PX at 1100 Gareth Reincke

30th March 2024 83 & 93 South Armagh Tours Reunion in Manchester Dave Adkins


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