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Grenadier Day Saturday 6th July 2024

19 June 2024

Grenadier Day – Saturday 06th July

Grenadier Day this year will be held on Saturday 06th July at Lille Barracks, Aldershot.

This is a Regimental Day for family and friends to attend. It is also open to the public to show what our Regiment is all about.


1230 – Gates Open

1325 – Regimental Lieutenant Colonel Opening Address

1330-1350 - Regimental Band & Corp of Drums

1350-1700 – Main Acts

1700-1705 - Closing Address

1705-1730 - Regimental Band & Corp of Drums

1800 – Barracks Clear


Parking in Lille Barracks is for the Association, Veterans, Cadets and Acts only. The following link will allow you to submit your request for parking. Confirmation will be at the end of the form to say we have received it. There is only a selected amount of parking available.

You will be turned away on the day if you are not on the list. Parking is close by off site, if needs be.

Link: Grenadier Day Parking

Association Stalls

Any Association Branch that has requested a stall. Please have this setup between 08:30-11:30. LCpl Fanning will be the POC on the day and will be there to assist with your request and equipment.

Bath Cider Stall

This year the Bath Association Branch will have a cider stall available. This has transferred from the Bristol Branch.


Individuals will be checked on arrival into Lille Barracks on the carriage of any offensive items.


No alcohol is to be brought onto camp by individuals. There is a bar on location.


Lille Barracks is a smoke free site. Designated smoking areas will be requested and controlled.


There will be Portaloo's  available on site and also disabled toilets accessible.

The following will also be available or in attendance,

Bouncy Castles Napoleonic Association Archery and Axe Throwing Face Painting Bar and BBQ – (Cash) AWS - Tea, Coffee and Cake Area Ice Cream Van Regimental Shop Baby Changing Facilities

Any questions then please direct them to RQMS (RHQ) WO2 Hudson. gavin.hudson944@mod.gov.uk

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