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Regimental Christmas Cards 2024

Regimental Christmas Cards 2024

17 September 2024


This year marks the 170th anniversary of the first winter that the Allied armies spent on campaign in the Crimea. The Battle of the Alma was fought on 20th September 1854 and the Russians forced to withdraw. From 17th October the Allies were besieging the great port and stronghold of Sebastopol, where the stalemate would continue for many months; the desperate battle at Inkerman on 5th November was the most bitter and crucial of the War, followed shortly after by Balaclava. As the snow, frost and icy winds swept across our positions, the troops had to endure the grimmest hardships with few supplies.

On 22nd February the 3rd Battalion, almost 1000 strong, had marched through the cheering crowds to Waterloo station. It wasn’t until June 1856 that the Battalion sailed for home and by then Regiment had paid a dreadful price. No fewer than 2458 Grenadiers had served in the campaign; of these 150 were killed in action or died of wounds, 750 died of disease (mostly cholera) and a further 138 were invalided home.

This painting, by Sean Bolan, depicts Grenadiers in a position near Sebastopol, alert but making the most of their miserable conditions on Christmas Day in 1854.

Sold in aid of Regimental Charities.

This year, as a result of escalating cost, there remains only one option:

A colour reproduction of this painting on the outside cover of the card, finished with a Blue - Red - Blue Border


This order form must be returned to: regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com or by post to LCpl Fanning, Regimental Headquarters, Grenadier Guards, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London, SW1E 6HQ by Wednesday 9th October 2024. Cards will be despatched by the end of October.

Please complete form in Block Capitals

FROM ........................................................................................................................................................................................

PLEASE SUPPLY .........................................................Cards at 85p (incl. VAT) TOTAL COST.......................................................


1 – 15 cards: £ P 16 – 30 cards: £ p UK £5.00 ................................ UK £6.00..............................

Note: If ordering for overseas or for more than 30 cards, please email LCpl Fanning on regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com for a quote PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS ORDER • Enclosed is a Cheque payable to: “The Regimental Adjutant, Grenadier Guards” for £ ........................................

• I have transferred electronically to the Grenadier Guards Account (Lloyds Bank, sort code 30-11-75, account 00336566) the sum of £ ............................... with the reference (XMAS surname and initial) ADDRESS (BLOCK CAPITALS) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

TELEPHONE .........................................................................




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