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Funeral of Captain Peter Richardson

15 January 2019


Captain Peter Richardson very sadly succumbed to pneumonia and passed away on 1st January 2019 at St Helier Hospital, Carshalton.

He will be remembered as the Sgt Major of the 1st Battalion in the late 70's and a fine Late Entry Officer at the Guards Depot and with the 2nd Battalion.

Peter's funeral will be held at 1430 hrs on Friday 1st February 2019 at the West Chapel, Croydon Crematorium – CR0 3AA for the Mitcham Road entrance and CR7 6BB for the Thornton Road entrance.

The wake will follow at Woodcote Park Golf Club, Meadow Hill, Bridle Way, Coulsdon, CR5 2QQ.

All are welcome to attend both but numbers are needed to assist with planning for the wake.

If you are intending to attend please inform Sgt Haughton at RHQ by no later than Friday 25 Jan 19.

0207 414 3284 or regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com

Anyone wishing to write to Peter’s widow Jane, can do so at:

Mrs Jane Richardson Firs Cottage Firs Road Kenley Surrey CR8 5LD

Thank you.

A J GREEN Major (Retd.)

Assistant Regimental Adjutant, Regimental Treasurer and General Secretary,

Grenadier Guards Association

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