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Would You Like to Become A Mentor..?

21 January 2019


Supporting Wounded Veterans (SWV) was founded in 2011 (as Skiing with Heroes) and sought to provide rehabilitation, through the challenge of skiing, for wounded veterans. This start quickly expanded into trying to get those veterans who had been skiing back into full time employment via a programme of mentoring, a pain management programme (until recently run by King Edward VII Hospital in London) and through an Occupation/Training/Employment Programme. Currently 61% of SWV’s veterans have returned to full time employment. Three Grenadiers have benefited from the SWV programme and have all given positive feedback.

SWV is seeking volunteers to become mentors to help wounded veterans on their journey through rehabilitation to full time employment.

This is an opportunity for those who have enjoyed good fortune in life to give something back to someone who has had less luck. This is an important role which is interesting, challenging and rewarding and one which might suit a former NCO, WO or Officer who is approaching semi-retirement after a steady career in civilian life and who has a desire to ‘give something back’.

It is not unduly onerous, and the initial commitment is for one year with a weekly Skype call and 4 face to face meetings each year, as well as writing a ‘Contact Report’ on each occasion.

Anyone who is interested should contact Grant Baker (on grantbaker@supportingwoundedveterans.com) or Rikki Jacout, the SWV Mentoring Project Leader, (on rikki@supportingwoundedveterans.com or on 01225 446308/07973 222666), thank you.

Click here to read Supporting Wounded Veteran's information document about Mentoring.

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