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Grenadier Day 2019 - Lille Barracks, Aldershot, GU11 2NQ, Sunday 14th July 2019

26 June 2019


Grenadier Day 2019 is fast approaching. For those of you unaware, it will be held on Sunday 14th July, at Lille Barracks, Aldershot, GU11 2NQ.

As usual there will be a variety of stands and demonstrations including Segway Rides, The Regimental Band, a Tug of War Competition, refreshments, live music, plus many more events and activities.

> Click Here to see the Grenadier Day flyer highlighting some other events and activities that will be present on the day

> Click Here to see important information regarding conditions of entry into barracks. A complete program will be distributed on the day.

Parking is available and vehicle details will be taken on the day; any questions on parking should be referred to Sgt Haughton - Email: regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com Tel: 020 7414 3284.

As usual, those who live locally are encouraged to arrive by foot if feasible. The Farnborough Airshow, which often provided a welcomed backdrop to the day - but also unwelcomed traffic issues - will not be on this year.

We look forward to seeing you all on what is always a relaxing, fun-filled day.




Sgt Rob Broomes, DipFA, CeMAP, CertRP, MLIBF, MCMI

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Grenadier Guards Association

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