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Field of Remembrance 2019

02 August 2019


In anticipation of ticket requirements for this year's Field of Remembrance, which will be held on Thursday 7th November, those wishing to attend should contact me via email with the following details:

> Name

> Contact Address (If Not Collecting from Wellington Barracks)

> Amount of Tickets Required

The deadline for getting requests to me is 1200hrs on Friday 30th August. Please read the following information which will also be sent to you in a letter accompanying your ticket(s):

Field of Remembrance: Entrance to the Field will be by ticket only and the gates will open between 0845hrs-1030hrs.

Security arrangements have not yet been confirmed, however, they are expected to be similar to last year's. Entrance to the Field involves passing through Police security checks, and everyone attending must bring two forms of ID, of which one must include a photograph (e.g. passport). Each ticket has a reminder on the back stating what information is required.

The use of large 'intrusive' camera equipment is not allowed, however, personal hand held cameras or mobile phones are acceptable.

For those wishing to attend, tickets will be sent out to the address supplied, or can be picked up prior to the event. Tickets will be issued on a first come-first served basis, and as mentioned, requests need to be with me by the time and date stated above.




Sgt Rob Broomes, DipFA, CeMAP, CertRP, MLIBF, MCMI

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Grenadier Guards Association

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