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Officers Occurence Captain Albert (Stan) Holloway

07 October 2019

With regret I write to notify you of the recent death, of a First Guards' Club member.

Captain Albert (Stan) Holloway died on 20 September, aged 87. Stan joined the Regiment in May 1951 and in later years was RSM of Old College before returning to the 1st Battalion in Chelsea as RSM, under the then Lt Colonel Bernard Gordon Lennox. He also served as RSM under Bernard's successor, David Gordon Lennox, in Kenya and then Pirbright. Stan was commissioned in May 1976 and subsequently spent 6 years in various appointments at the Guards Depot before retiring in May 1982.

Stan's funeral will be held on Friday 11 October at 2pm at All Saints Church, North Molton, Devon, EX36 3HP and all are welcome. Afterwards the family will be gathering at the Stag's Head Inn, Filleigh, EX32 0RN.

Anyone wishing to write to Stan's widow, Gladys, should address their letter to her at the following address: Springfield, Four Oaks Close, Landkey, Barnstaple, Devon EX32 0LN.

Yours Ever


James Major (Retired) JPW Gatehouse

Regimental Adjutant Grenadier Guards | Wellington Barracks | Birdcage Walk | London | SW1E 6HQ

Office: 020 7414 3280 | Mobile: 07769 931490

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