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Christmas Card 2019

11 October 2019


The Christmas Card for 2019 is now available to order.

Note: For those whom have ordered the previously advertised 2019 Christmas Card, please contact Sgt R Haughton - Regimental Affairs Non-Commissioned Officer - with any enquiries.

This watercolour is of a Grenadier Colour Sergeant and Drummer , in Guard Order at Windsor Castle in 1833. It is held in the Regimental Collection and is by Richard Simkin (1850-1926). During his lifetime, he, along with Orlando Norie, produced thousands of watercolours depicting the uniforms and campaigns of the British Army. On the rear Simkin has noted that this watercolour is based on an oil painting, on panel, in the Royal Library at Windsor Castle. It is one of a numerous series, embracing every branch of the Service and painted by order of King William IV . The original painting is entitled 'Night Guard' and signed Alexandre-Jean Dubois Drahonet. The original represents the Scots Fusilier Guards; I have altered the detail to the Grenadiers.

Christmas Cards are sold in aid of The Grenadier Guards Regimental Charities.

Order forms must be returned to: Sgt Haughton, Regimental Headquarters, Grenadier Guards, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London SW1E 6HQ by Friday 1st November 2019 so that all cards can be sent out week beginning Monday 2nd December 2019. All cheques and Postal Orders should be made payable to: The Regimental Adjutant, Grenadier Guards.

Click Here to view the Order Form




Sgt Rob Broomes, DipFA, CeMAP, CeRER, CertRP, MLIBF, MCMI

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Grenadier Guards Association

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