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Cenotaph Parade 2019 - Final Points

07 November 2019


As Remembrance Sunday fast approaches The Royal British Legion Cenotaph Team have sent me the following final points to convey, ahead of the event:

• If possible, please ask your members not to use Westminster Tube Station. It is much easier to access Horse Guards from Charing Cross/Embankment or St. James's Park

• Please do not bring any suitcases or large bags to Horse Guards Parade. There will not be a facility to leave bags whilst you are marching

• There will be 150 wheelchairs available on Horse Guards Parade on a first come first served basis

• If you are missing or have lost any tickets, if you let us know before 16:00 on the 7th November and we have now the facility to generate print-at-home Pdf tickets. If there are any issues with lost tickers after that point, the person who has lost the ticket will need to present themselves at the Accreditation Tent on Remembrance Sunday with their ID. The Accreditation Tent will be by the side entrance to Horse Guards near the Police Memorial.

For those travelling by Southeastern railways, they have informed us that they are offering free travel on their services during Remembrance Sunday (10th November 2019) for serving troops, veterans and cadets.

This will allow free travel to local Remembrance Day events, including the London Cenotaph for the main national commemoration.

Personnel will need to be in uniform or be able to show an ID card with their branch of the military stated (British Army, RAF or Royal Navy). This offer also includes cadets in uniform, and veterans who display valid ID (such as the MOD issued veterans badge) or present a ticket for the Cenotaph Parade.

We look forward to seeing you on the 10th November.

Best regards,

The Cenotaph Team


Sgt Rob Broomes, DipFA, CeMAP, CeRER, CertRP, MLIBF, MCMI

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Grenadier Guards Association

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