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Grenadier Day – Change of Date to Sunday 19 July 2020

28 January 2020


Grenadier Day 2020 was previously advertised as taking place at Lille Barracks, Aldershot on Sunday 12 July. Unfortunately, due to the 1st Battalion’s busy forecast of events and the deployment of the Inkerman Company to the Falkland Islands, it has had to be rescheduled for a week later.

We apologise for any inconvenience this change may cause but, nevertheless, it will be an outstanding day and you are encouraged to attend. This year we will focus on two significant events:

• The 75th Anniversary of VE Day and the Liberation of Europe

• The 60th Anniversary of the Formation of the Inkerman Company and the Placing into Suspended Animation of the Third Battalion.

The Regimental Adjutant

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