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Death of 23688595 Mike A Lindley

11 February 2020


Sadly, I must report the death of 23688595 Mike A Lindley. Mike was the Manchester Branch Welfare Officer over the previous three years, and had done a very good job during his time in this role.

Unfortunately, Mike first became ill early last year and visited the local hospital on several occasions, but his untimely death was a big surprise to us all. He was found unconscious on the morning of 16th January, and by the time he was taken to hospital, unfortunately there was nothing further the medical professionals could for him - he had suffered a brain haemorrhage.

Ten former serving Grenadiers formed a Guard of Honour at his funeral, which took place on Wednesday 5th February at Stockport Crematorium. A Standard Bearer lead the coffin into the chapel draped in our Branch Coffin Drape and forage cap atop. R.I.P. Brother

Bob Fallon
Manchester Branch Secretary

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