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Latest News


16 September 2020


This year's Cenotaph Parade will go ahead, albeit, as expected, with a significantly reduced number of participants.

The Royal British Legion has been working with the MoD and others to define the planning parameters for the annual Remembrance weekend given the ongoing restrictions in place. The Events team are acutely aware that Associations' administrative timeline is now short and that members will be keen to understand the arrangements that are now in place for a reduced and socially distanced Cenotaph Dispersal for this year.

Whilst the overall number of participants in this year’s Event must be significantly reduced to approximately 2200 to comply with social distancing guidelines, it is also considered hugely important that in the centenary year of The Cenotaph, every Service Association is able to be represented. To that end, all Associations have been allocated 8 tickets only. I have so far, issued 3 tickets and have 5 tickets remaining available (as at 16-Sep-20).

If you would like to attend, please send me an email simply confirming you would like a ticket and I will forward you a link to register. Normal eligibility requirements apply and you will be asked any relevant questions at registration. Please also note the following key dates:

> 2 October: Deadline for associations to complete individual participant information

> 30 October: eTickets and Joining Instructions sent to individuals via email.




Sgt Rob Broomes, DipFA, CeMAP, CeRER, CertRP, MLIBF, MCMI

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Grenadier Guards Association

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