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Latest News


21 April 2021


Some of you may be aware that I shall shortly be moving on from my position as the Grenadier Guards Association Non-Commissioned Officer, at Regimental Headquarters. 

LSgt Glen Davis has been taking over my role, over the previous couple of months, and is set to take over completely after-duties 30th April.

To that end I provide this provisional article to give you notice and ask that you remove my name as the person of contact as the Association NCO by 29th April, and replace it with LSgt Glen Davis, which should then be displayed on emails and any relative correspondence.

As well as updating your records this will also allow us to complete our Handover/Takeover on 30th April.

A further article will be published once the Handover/Takeover is complete, but to all whom I have communicated with over the previous 10 years I will take this opportunity to offer my very best wishes to you and your families and I look forward to seeing you at various future events.

Take care.


Best Regards,


Sgt Rob Broomes, DipFA, CeMAP, CeRER, CertRBCB, CertRP, MLIBF, MCMI

Senior Non-Commissioned Officer

Grenadier Guards




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