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WO2 JE Weston DCM

07 October 2021


We are attempting to find 2615873 WO2 Joseph Edmund Weston DCM or a relative if deceased.

CSM Weston served as Grenadier from 27 June 1938 to 27 June 1960.

He served as a Grenadier with distinction during the Africa and Italy campaigns and also when attached to the Kings African Rifles during the Second World War.

He won the Distinguished Conduct Medal on March 31st 1941.

A Street Naming event is to be held at Caterham and the organisers would love to have him and/or members of his family present.

Further details for WO2 Weston and/or family members are available from LCpl Fanning at RHQ on regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com


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