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Regimental Battlefield Tour 12-16 September - 2022

29 October 2021

Ladies and Gentlemen, (this time with attachments)


I am pleased to be able to advise you of the plan made so far for our 2022 Battlefield Tour to France, Belgium and Holland with Anglia Tours.


In short the cost per person (subsidised by the Regiment and the Association) will be £600 with a single room subsidy of £185. I’m sure you will find this excellent value for money.

The attached itinerary provides you with a good idea of the content and what is/is not included.

Our Battlefield Tour will focus first on actions fought by the Regiment during both the early stages of the Second World War in Europe and then as the tide had turned and Allied forces fought across the Low Countries towards Germany. Details are yet to be fully refined but initially we will follow the fortunes of our three battalions during May 1940 as the BEF commanded by Grenadier Lord Gort withdrew towards Dunkirk. In particular we will visit the Escaut Canal where the 3rd Battalion was finally able to get to grips with the enemy. During this action LCpl Harry Nichols won the first Victoria Cross awarded to a soldier during the war. Latterly our attention will turn to the closing stages of the war as the British 21st Army Group fought its way across Belgium towards the border with Germany. We will focus on the Grenadier Group in September 1944 during Operation Market Garden and the capture of Nijmegen Bridge. The capture of a heavily defended great strategic bridge is one of the most significant of war exploits and we will have the opportunity to examine in some detail what was a fine feat of combined arms by the Grenadier Group.

The tour is open to all Grenadiers past and present with wives/partners etc. We aim to fill a coach as far as we can and up to a maximum of 40. Honorary and Associate Association Branch members are also welcome.

ACTION<p< Please familiarise yourself with the attached information and let me know if you have any questions (bearing in mind where we are with detailed planning).

A general deposit of £1000 has already been paid and personal deposits of £250 per person are to be paid to me by Friday 03 December 2021 (cheque to ‘The Grenadier Guards Association’ or by BACS to the Grenadier Guards Association Lloyds Bank account 30-11-75 00341551 using reference ‘SURNAME/INITIAL BFT22’). Postal address for cheques is:

Major (Ret’d) A J Green RHQ Grenadier Guards Wellington Barracks Birdcage Walk LONDON SW1E 6HQ

The balance of £350 to be paid to me by Fri 01 July 2022 in the same manner above.

Provide me with the necessary details listed on the APIS Form (MA – PI Excel attachment) by Fri 01 Jun 2022 but preferably with your deposit:

Rank/Title First Name Last Name Room Type (single/twin) Sharing With Passport Number Passport Expiry Date (at least 6 months to run from tour return date) Issuing Country Date of Birth Nationality Male / Female Special requirements (dietary, medical, religious etc.) Email Address Contact Telephone Number

By doing this it will be taken that you have given your consent for me to share this information with Anglia Tours as per the attached Information Sharing Agreement.

Please advertise this tour as widely as you see fit – Regtl Adjt to FGC and LSgt Davis to website Latest News please.


We will travel to France, Belgium and Holland to remember the heroic actions of and the sacrifice made by so many during the dark days of 1940. We will then turn our attention to Operation Market Garden, all that it involved and especially the role of the Grenadier Guards. We will also have the opportunity to join together in our own Acts of Remembrance.

We will enjoy the services of an excellent guide and the experience of learning in a relaxed and convivial atmosphere.

Value for money is outstanding.

More detail to follow.


For Battlefield Tour offer letter:   Click Here

For Battlefield Tour Itinerary:      Click Here

For travel Terms and Conditions: Click Here

Thank you,


A J GREEN Major (Ret’d)

Assistant Regimental Adjutant, Regimental Treasurer and General Secretary Grenadier Guards Association.

Office: 0207 414 3225.

Mobile: 07712 579641.

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