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Yorkshire Corps Of Drums, Flute Player Vacancies

10 January 2022


We are a drum and flute playing corps of drums based at Harewood Barracks in Leeds. We meet once each month, usually on the 2nd Wednesday from 7pm to 9pm and undertake just two or three engagements each year to ensure the commitment of membership is easy to maintain.

Our members are mainly ex regular and reserve drummers but adult men and women of all ages with or without military experience are all welcome.

We are a friendly and informal group who enjoy performing and keeping our military music heritage alive. We play a wide range of music from traditional marches such as For Flag and Empire, Hazelmere and The Adjutant, but also enjoy playing simpler melodies such as God Bless the Prince of Wales and The Great Escape.

Some of our flute players play from memory while others prefer to use march cards, either option is perfectly acceptable. We have a pool of flutes available to loan and offer instruction if required.

If you would like more information or arrange to meet us in Leeds please contact Peter, our chairman on 07770 437568 or p.garthwaite@outlook.com.

More information is available atwww.yorkshirecorpsofdrums.com and our Facebook page.

LSgt Davis

Grenadier Guards Association NCO.

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