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Sergeants' Mess Past And Present 2022

28 March 2022

Sergeants’ Mess Past and Present club members,

The Past and Present annual dinner will be held on Friday 15th July in Lille Barracks, Aldershot. The annual letter will be published in Late May, however we want to disseminate the information out early so all those wishing to attend can confirm their attendance and plan accordingly.

Annual dinner location:

Lille Barracks Aldershot Hampshire GU11 2NQ


1830 – Pre Drinks in the Sergeants mess.

1925 – All Past and Present members move to Junior ranks dining facility (location dinner will be held).

1930 – Top table march in (Corp of Drums to play).

1935 – Starter served.

The remainder of the timings for the evening will be published in the annual letter.

Orders of dress:

Serving members – Mess dress.

Past members – Black tie.

Ticket cost for Past members:

£40 per person (this includes a four course meal, wine and port).


WO2 (RQMS) D Oliver – rqmsgrengds@outlook.com Dwain.oliver137@mod.gov.uk

WO2 (DSgt) J Thompson – James.Thompson243@mod.gov.uk

Cheques made payable to:

Grenadier Guards Sergeants mess – Past and Present club

Cheques sent to:

WO2 (DSgt) J Thompson Grenadier Guards Lille Barracks Aldershot Hampshire GU11 2NQ

RSVP and Cheques:

Please ensure you RSVP attendance and send your cheques no later than Monday 13th June 2022.

Any questions or queries:

Please direct any questions or requests for additional information to the specified email addresses.


Kind Regards.

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