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Remembrance Day – Cenotaph Parade 2022

24 June 2022


This year’s Remembrance Day Parade at the Cenotaph, Whitehall, will take place on Sunday 13 November 2022. The Grenadier Guards should be allocated a number of places to march on the parade, however confirmed numbers are still to be confirmed.

If you would like to register to march please send the following details to assnnco@grengds.com

Full Name

Place of Birth

Date of Birth


Service Number

An email address must be provided for any further correspondence.

Please be aware that ticket number to be allocated to the Grenadier Guards from the Royal British Legion is still unknown and we will allocate places on a first come first served basis.




Lt Col J A Keeley MBE.

General Secretary Grenadier Guards Association.

Regimental Treasurer and Welfare Officer.


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