110km Endurance Race Across The Azores Islands - 2023
01 September 2022
SSAFA has organised a 2 day endurance tab/run across an island in the Azores in May 2023. It is aimed at recent veterans of the Household Division and is being organised and sponsored by SSAFA, which is the principal service charity with whom we all work. Participants do not need to be fitness fanatics to complete the event.
The plan is to select 25 Household Division veterans by the 3rd October 2022, train and equip them, and give them an opportunity to participate in a 110km endurance race where they can help fellow veterans and discover more about themselves as they adapt to civilian life.
Richard French is the organiser. He is a recent Coldstream veteran and a former Platoon Sergeant of the Guards Platoon, part of 3rd Battalion the Parachute Regiment. Please email him if you have any queries.
Richards Email is as follows: Richard.French@ssafa.org.uk
Please See links below for the SSAFA Advertisement and the Application Form.
Link 1 = SSAFA advertisement Click Here
Link 2 = Application Form Click Here
LSgt G Davis
Regimental Association NCO
Grenadier Guards