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Christmas Cards 2022

Christmas Cards 2022

20 September 2022


The Regimental Christmas Card for 2022 is now available to order. This year's Christmas Card is.

Christmas at the Tower – Escort to the Keys

The original oil painting by Dougie Adams is in the Regimental Collection. 

Sold in aid of Regimental Charities.

This order form must be returned to: LCpl Fanning, Regimental Headquarters, Grenadier Guards, Wellington Barracks, Birdcage Walk, London, SW1E 6HQ by Monday 10 October 2022 so that cards can be sent out by mid-October. Alternatively, you can pay via bank transfer and scan/email your completed order form to LCpl Fanning at regtlaffairsnco@grengds.com.

Click Here for the order form. Details for returns are on the order form.




LSgt Glen Davis 

Regimental Association NCO

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