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The King's Company

04 November 2022


His Majesty The King has now ordered the re-designation of the Queen’s Company and, with effect from 27 October, it will be known as the King’s Company. This reflects the unbroken bond and historical precedent, which has been in place since King Charles II first established His personal company. The King’s Company remains under the Sovereign’s personal command.

Next Spring (probably April) The King will present the King’s Company Colour, the Royal Standard of the Regiment, to His Company. More details will follow when we have them. The design for the Colour is now being worked on by the Royal College of Arms. Obviously, this includes The King’s new Cypher, reversed and interlaced.

The King’s Company remains deployed in Iraq on Op Shader until December 2022.

Kind Regards

J A Keeley MBE

Lt Col (Ret'd)

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