Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
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Advertising In The Grenadier Gazette

18 November 2022



The next Grenadier Gazette is due out in early spring 2023. Should you wish to place an advertisement for your company or organisation in Gazette you should send your request to the Regimental Adjutant at the following email address: regtladjt@grengds.com

The advertising requirements are as follows: Size of advertisement: Whole page H: 216mm W: 157mm; Half page: H: 105mm W: 157mm Files can be sent as either a JPEG or PDF. Colour: Needs to be set to "CMYK". Resolution: Minimum of 300dpi. Bleed: 3mm. Cost: £350 for a whole page and £200 for a half-page.

Many thanks.


JPW Gatehouse

Regimental Adjutant

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