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Grenadier Guards Sergeants' (Past And Present) Club Dinner 2023

13 February 2023




The President of the Past and Present club this year is Mr Paul Roberts and the Vice President is WO2 (Sgt Maj designate) Dwain Oliver. The Committee held a meeting in Lille Barracks on Thursday 09 February 2023 and the following was discussed and voted in.


President: Mr Paul Roberts.

Vice President: WO2 (Sgt Maj Designate) Dwain Oliver.

Honorary Secretary: WO2 (RQMS Designate) Richard Archer. New Member

Serving Members: WO2 (DSgt Designate) Gregory Mann – 1st Battalion.

WO2 (CSM) Liam Swan – Nijmegen Company. New Member

WO2 (RQMS Designate) Damien Thomas – 1st Battalion. New Member

WO2 (RQMS Designate) Stuart perry – 1st Battalion. New Member

Past Members:

Mr Nigel Crowdy.

Mr Carl Shadrake. 

Mr Nigel Turner. New Member

Vice Hon Secretary: LSgt Austin. New Member


This year’s annual Sergeants (Past & Present) Club Dinner will be held on Friday 07 July 2023, in Lille Barracks, Aldershot GU11 2NQ


18:00 – Pre-Drinks in the Sergeants mess bar (Champagne will be served as complimentary arrival drinks in the main entrance).

18:30 – Guest speaker arrives, to be met by the Sgt Maj, Mrs Jennifer Oliver, Mr Paul Roberts and Mrs Kay Roberts.

18:40 – First dinner call (Bugler to sound from main bar area).

18:45 – Second dinner call (Bugler to sound from main bar area).

18:45 – 19:00 – All attendees are to make their way to the marquee for dinner.

19:05 – Top table marches in (Drummer and Flutiest to lead in).

19:10 – Starter served.

19:40 – Main course served.

20:10 – Comfort Break.

20:25 – All seated - Desert served.

20:45 – Port placed on tables.

21:00 – Cheese boards and coffee Served.

21:10 – Loyal messages read and toast to HM The King and national anthem played.

: 21:15 – Regimental Sergeant Major’s speech and toast to the Regiment.

21:25 – President speaks (Mr Paul Roberts).

21:35 – Guest speaker speech.

21:55 – All attendees retire to the Sergeants mess.

23:59 – Bar closes.


The cost of this year’s dinner will be £40.00 and should be paid to the following account:

1st Battalion Grenadier Guards Ref P&P + Name

Account number – 10470838

Sort code – 16-19-26

Once you have made payment, you must send the Drill Sgt or RQMS RHQ an email to confirm your attendance and confirm you have paid.


James.Thompson243@mod.gov.uk> (RSVP using this email before 01st June 2023)

Gregory.Mann915@mod.gov.uk (RSVP using this email after 01st June 2023)


Dwain.Oliver137@mod.gov.uk (RSVP using this email before 27th February 2023)

Richard.Archer996@mod.gov.uk (RSVP using this email after 27th February 2023)


Serving members – Mess dress.

Past members and Female Guests – Black tie.


Although this is a formal dinner The Sergeant Major is content this year that all Past & Present Members and their Guests are welcome to excuse themselves from there table if they require to use the washrooms. There are however a few exceptions where all attendees are to be seated.

1. When a food course is being served.

2. When the loyal messages are being read.

3. When a toast is being given.

4. When the National anthem plays (be aware all attendees must stand and serving

members are to stand at the position of attention).

Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.


A Quintet from The Regimental Band will play throughout dinner. They will also play the National Anthem after the toast to HM The King and Regimental March after the Sgt Major’s toast to the Regiment. Entertainment will be laid on in Sergeants’ Mess immediately after the dinner.


Serving members – All serving members at Regimental duty are to render there returns of attendance to DSgt (des) Mann. Company Sergeant Majors please assist the Drill Sergeant in doing so.

Past members and Guests – Please confirm your attendance by emailing RQMS Archer or DSgt Mann on the above email address. Serving members Externally posted – Please confirm your attendance by emailing RQMS (des) Archer or DSgt (des) Mann on the above email addresses.

If you have any dietary or special requirements, please annotate this in your attendance email and we will do all we can to accommodate.


The Sergeant Major (designate) WO2 Dwain Oliver and the President, Mr Paul Roberts look forward to seeing as many of our Regiments Past and Present members along with your guests for an evening to catch up with old friends and new.


Kind Regards

WO2 (Sgt Major Designate) D. Oliver


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