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West Highland Way, Charity Long Distance Walk, 'The Year of The Grenadier"

04 March 2023

On Monday 10th April The Regimental Casualty Officer, Matt Ellmer along with Major Andy Green will be travelling to Scotland in preparation for their charity walk that starts on Wednesday 12th April and finishes on Thursday 20th April whilst they walk The West Highland Way.

This 97 mile walk through Scotland starts at Glasgow, Milngavie and finishing at Fort William.

They are walking to raise money for The Colonel's Fund that supports our wounded and bereaved Grenadier's.

This year the fund raising is under the Just Giving page, "Year of the Grenadier" which is being run whilst the Battalion is away on their Operational Tour of Iraq and this will be the Regimental Casualty Officers second long distance walk during the Battalion's deployment.

If you are able to support and donate please go to the Just Giving page by;

Typing in Grenadier

Then a link for "Year of the Grenadier" will appear

Click on the link and add donation

Please leave a message on the page for 'WHW' (West Highland Way) this way the challenge the donation was made for can be tracked.



Thank you for your support


Andy and Matt

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