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The Coronation 6th May 2023

07 March 2023

As you will be aware the Coronation of His Majesty the King will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, with processions from and to Buckingham Palace. 

The Regiment will be represented by the King's Company who are on parade with the King's Company Colour the Royal Standard of the Regiment at Westminster Abbey.

The Remainder of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards (less those on Operation Shader deployed in Iraq), Nijmegen Company, The Regimental Band and elements of Ypres Company (Grenadier Guards Reserve Company of the London Regiment) will also be on duty for the Coronation either in the procession or Street Lining.


Lt Col (Ret'd) J A Keeley MBE

General Secretary Grenadier Guards Association

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