Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Figures, models and statuettes

The Guards Memorial Statuette

The Guards Memorial Statuette - An excellently sculptured statuette of the life-sized Guards' Memorial

Price: £380.00

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This fantastic scale replica sculpture of the Guards Memorial excellently compliments the life-sized Memorial. The five Guardsman have been sculpted in an 18cm (7") scale which means that the overall dimensions of the piece (including the wooden base) is as follows: 48cm (19") width, 15cm (6") depth and 34cm (13.5") height. There is room to add an engraved plate on the front.

This statuette can also be finished in Electro-Silver on a mahogany or granite base. Please contact the Association Senior Non-Commissioned Officer on 020 7414 3285 or email him at assnnco@grengds.com for the prices of these variants.

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