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Grenadier Gazette 2022

Grenadier Gazette 2022 - Order form for Grenadier Gazette 2022


The Grenadier Gazette 2022 will be available from Thursday 31st March. To purchase this year's Gazette either pay to the email address assnnco@grengds.com via your PayPal account (please enter 'Grenadier Gazette 2022' as a reference), click here to download the order form or contact me on 0207 414 3285, to make payment over the phone.

The prices inclusive of postage fees are as follows:

> UK - £10.00 + £2.19 P&P = £12.18

> Europe - £10.00 + £6.05 P&P = £16.05

> Overseas (ROW 1) - £10.00 + £10.45 P&P = £20.45

> Overseas (ROW 2) - £10.00 + £13.35 P&P = £23.35

> Overseas (ROW 3) - £10.00 + £10.90 P&P = £20.90

Note: All cheques for the Grenadier Gazette should be made payable to:

'The Regimental Adjutant, Grenadier Guards'


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