Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

First Guards Club

The First Guards Club is the Regiment’s Officers’ Dining Club which normally meets once a year for a dinner in London. Occasionally there are other infrequent events such as a Cocktail Party or a Dance.

Membership of the Club is open to all Officers commissioned into the Regiment and currently stands at about 600.

The Club is run by a Committee consisting of a President, Wines Member, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, there are three serving and three non-serving members. The serving members are “ex-officio” for the sake of simplicity.

COMMITTEE 2020–2021

Major General J M H Bowder OBE, The Regimental Lieutenant Colonel  
Major Lord Valentine Cecil, Wines Member Retired
Major R. C. D. T. Holtby Retired
Captain C. A. C. Hartley Retired
Major T. T. Youngman-Sullivan Retired
Major N. A. Strachan (Ex Officio) Serving
Major T. H. R. Hargreaves (Ex Officio) Serving
Captain J.C. Palmer-Tomkinson (Ex Officio) Serving
Major J. P. W. Gatehouse Retired


More from: Regimental Headquarters

» First Guards Club
» Sergeants’ (Past & Present) Club

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