Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen


Ypres Company is the Grenadier Guards Army Reserve Company, part of The London Guards, the Guards Army Reserve Infantry Battalion based in London. The Company contains individuals from all walks of life. We have, among others a carpenter, police officers, ambulance medical technicians, economists and a data scientist. The Company is based in the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames. Kingston Army Reserve Centre (KARC – postcode KT1 2QX) is about half a mile from Kingston Town Centre. Guardsmen parade in KARC on a Tuesday evening from 1900 – 2100. Drill nights are based upon the Battlefield Combat Syllabus (BCS) but are designed to ensure that each is varied, challenging and engaging. Soldiers from Ypres Company joined the 1st Battalion on exercise in Kenya, took part in the Kings Coronation and the Kings Birthday Parade to name but a few events recently.

Should you be leaving or have already left Regular Service, live nearby and would like to continue to serve in a more limited capacity please get in touch. Ypres Company specialist skill is Assault Pioneering. We would be particularly keen to see any qualified Assault Pioneers join us. All qualifications gained through Regular Service can be put to good use.

Contact details are below for our Recruiting Lead, Cpl Miller or out Permanent Staff Administration Officer, Captain Chalk. alex.chalk118@mod.gov.uk OR Andrew.Miller727@mod.gov.uk



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