Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Employment Support

Salute My JobEmployment support for Household Division veteransSaluteMyJob is a social enterprise that helps former Service men and women into employment, mainly in the private sector. The emphasis is on ensuring that employers understand the transferable skills possessed by ex-Service people and how they translate to the needs of their business. This is achieved through a consultancy service to the many employers who wish to source ex-military talent. SaluteMyJob aims to complement the Career Transition Partnership with additional job finding services and to assist Veterans and Reservists seeking civilian employment. For more about SaluteMyJob, available jobs and how they can help improve your employability, go to www.salutemyjob.com.

Employment opportunities - https://salutemyjob.com/_feeds/jobs-xml-2.ashx 

Free Online Training Courses - https://salutemyjob.com/free-online-digital-training/

Expert Careers Support - https://salutemyjob.com/the-saluting-post/

Interview and Skills Assessment - https://salutemyjob.com/interview-practice-tool/

Directory of Forces Friendly Employers - https://salutemyjob.com/recruiter-directory/

Register with SaluteMyJob - https://salutemyjob.com/candidate/register/

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