Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen

Online Histories

On-line regimental histories can be found at:

The origin and history of the First or Grenadier Guards [1656-1870]
By Lt-Gen Sir F.W.Hamilton, K.C.B.
Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3.

The Grenadier Guards in the Great War of 1914-1918
By Lt-Col The Rt. Hon. Sir Frederick Ponsonby, K.C.V.O.
Vol 1, Vol 2, Vol 3

The Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939-1945
By Nigel Nicolson and Patrick Forbes
Volume 1, Volume 2

Once a Grenadier, the Grenadier Guards 1945-95
By Oliver Lindsay


Other online documentation can be found at:

The story of Gdsm William Tall of 3rd Battalion put together by his family
Gdsm William Tall 3rd Battalion 1915 to 1917

Grenadier war diaries at the TNA cover both world wars. A copy can be viewed at the TNA for free or purchased.

Grenadier War Diaries at the National Archives

Edited by Martin Gillott, the war diaries are also available at Amazon.co.uk. 

1st Bn Grenadier Guards.

Book cover The 1st Battalion initially served in the 20th Infantry Brigade, 7th Division landing at Zeebrugge on 7th October 1914. In August 1915 the Battalion formed part of the 3rd Guards Brigade, Guards Division and would remain with it to the end of the War.
Total Served 4,434
Total Fatalities 1,286
Fatality ratio 28%

1st Bn Grenadier Guards War Diary 1914-1919


2nd Bn Grenadier Guards.

Book cover The Battalion initially formed part of the 4th Guards Brigade, 2nd Division, landing in Le Havre on 13th August 1914. In August 1915 the Battalion transferred to the Guards Division, forming part of the 1st Guards Brigade where it remained for the rest of the War.
Total Served 4,431
Total Fatalities 1,435
Fatality ratio 32%

2nd Bn Grenadier Guards War Diary 1914 - 1919


3rd Bn Grenadier Guards.

Book cover The 3rd Bn Grenadier Guards formed part of the 2nd Guards Brigade, Guards Division and would remain with it to the end of the War.
Total Served 3,309
Total Fatalities 959
Fatality ratio 29%

3rd Bn Grenadier Guards War Diary 1915 - 1918


4th Bn Grenadier Guards.

Book cover The 4th Bn Grenadier Guards formed part of the 3rd Guards Brigade, Guards Division. In February 1918 it was transferred to the re-formed 4th Guards Brigade, part of 31st Division, and later formed part of GHQ Reserve.
Total Served 2,756
Total Fatalities 948
Fatality ratio 34%

4th Bn Grenadier Guards War Diary 1915 - 1919


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