Tangier 1680 Namur 1695 Gibraltar 1704-5 Blenheim
Ramillies Oudenarde Malplaquet Dettingen


The Grenadier Guards formed an affiliation with the Ironmongers’ Company in 2013, and we are privileged to be the only regular Army regiment that holds this special relationship with the Company.

The Ironmongers’ Company is one of the Great XII Livery Companies of the City of London with links to the iron trade dating back 700 years. It administers six charities, focussed on the education of the young, the care of the elderly, metals, materials science and general relief in need.

The Company contributes to The Colonel’s Fund each year, and the Regiment have hosted the Ironmongers’ at Wellington Barracks, The Tower of London, at Aldershot for a ranges package and on exercise in Kenya and Belize. Grenadiers have also attended events at Ironmongers’ Hall including the First Guards’ Club dinner, families’ visits and Nijmegen Company suppers; some have even become members of the Ironmongers’ Company.

To find out more about the Ironmongers’ Company, please visit www.ironmongers.org.

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