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MT Platoon Reunion for Serving and Non-Serving Grenadiers

24 April 2023

There will be an MT Platoon reunion in Nantwich, Cheshire on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th September 2023 for serving and non-serving Grenadiers, for any Grenadiers who live in the area you are most welcome. Location: The Crown Hotel Nantwich Cheshire For further information contact Andy Beckley on 07971 032736 ... read

Association Facebook Groups button on the website

22 April 2023

Grenadiers, A new Facebook feature has now appeared on the Regimental Association page on the Regimental Website (www.grengds.com), the Facebook symbol when clicked takes you through to the known Regimental Association Facebook Pages...all done in one click, when you find the Association Branch you are looking for ... read

The Kings Company Colour The Royal Standard of the Regiment

21 April 2023

Today saw the Regimental Adjutant, The Communications Officer Mr Kevin Kitcher and former Master Tailor Mr John Southern travel to Basildon to inspect, approve and sign for the New Kings Company Colour the Royal Standard of the Regiment. The Colour is now in the secure possession of the Regiment prior ... read

World War 2 Grenadier Guardsman

13 April 2023

This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the Regiments involvement in Italy during World War 2. The youngest Grenadiers who joined the Regiment late in the War will now be in their mid to late 90's and soon approaching their 100th Birthdays. Regimental Headquarters are compiling a list of surviving ... read

Grenadier Gazette 2023

03 April 2023

Grenadiers, The Grenadier Gazette 2023 will be available from Tuesday 4th April. Ways to purchase this and the relevant Order Form can be found in the shop under the tab 'Books'. Click here to be taken to that page. Note: All cheques for the Grenadier Gazette should be made payable to: ... read

Household Division Beating Retreat 4th-6th July 2023

09 March 2023

Household Division Beating Retreat The Household Division Beating Retreat takes place on Horse Guards Parade from the 4th to 6th July 2023 starting at 8 PM daily, it is a fantastic evening of military entertainment with the finest military bands in the world. Tickets are on sale now with prices ... read

The King's Birthday Parade Saturday 17th June 2023

08 March 2023

On Saturday 17th June 2023 the King's Birthday Parade will take place on Horse Guards with the 1st Bn Welsh Guards providing the Escort to the Colour. Nijmegen Company will provide a Guard for the Troop and The King's Company and Ypres Company will provide Street Lining Half Companies for ... read

The Coronation 6th May 2023

07 March 2023

As you will be aware the Coronation of His Majesty the King will take place on Saturday 6th May 2023 at Westminster Abbey, with processions from and to Buckingham Palace.  The Regiment will be represented by the King's Company who are on parade with the King's Company Colour the ... read